Strategic Mastery: How Cold War Game Theory Shapes the Modern CTO’s Edge

Strategic Mastery: How Cold War Game Theory Shapes the Modern CTO’s Edge

Introduction:The historical application of game theory during the Cold War unveils strategic principles that offer a distinctive advantage to today’s Chief Technology Officers. This exploration draws parallels between the intricacies of managing nuclear threats during the Cold War and the strategic considerations inherent in leading technology teams. By adapting lessons from historical analysts like Herman...

Breaking the Chains of Tech Hypernormality: Embracing Change in Persistent Environments

Breaking the Chains of Tech Hypernormality: Embracing Change in Persistent Environments

Quite often, teams can unwittingly fall into a state of “tech hypernormality,” a condition where the team operates in a seemingly stable environment despite underlying issues and the need for innovation. Much like the societal dynamics of hypernormalisation explored by Alexei Yurchak, tech hypernormality in a team setting occurs when the status quo is maintained,...

Bricolage and Beyond: Turning Unwinnable Tech Challenges into Triumphs

Bricolage and Beyond: Turning Unwinnable Tech Challenges into Triumphs

In the vast expanse of technology leadership, challenges often arise that mirror the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario from Star Trek—a test designed to assess the resilience and creativity of Starfleet officers in the face of a no-win situation. Similarly, Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) find themselves navigating their own versions of the Kobayashi Maru, where tight...

Close Quarters, Big Gains: Unleashing Propinquity Power in Tech Leadership

Close Quarters, Big Gains: Unleashing Propinquity Power in Tech Leadership

After a recent optimisation workshop with one of our business units I realised that propinquity theory takes center stage as a guiding principle that can significantly impact organizational dynamics. If you are a CTO, understanding and strategically leveraging propinquity can lead to transformative improvements in people, processes, and products within the company. What is Propinquity...

Daring Experimentation as a CTO – Coltrane style

Daring Experimentation as a CTO – Coltrane style

In the realm of technological leadership, picture the CTO as a maestro, drawing inspiration from the unparalleled jazz saxophonist, John Coltrane. The innovative improvisation characteristic of this maverick jazz genius offers an intriguing analogy. Coltrane, a luminary in the world of avant-garde jazz, was renowned for pushing the boundaries of traditional jazz norms. Similarly, a...

The Iron Horse and the Digital Age: Linking Past and Present

The Iron Horse and the Digital Age: Linking Past and Present

The late 19th century marked a remarkable period in American history with the construction of the transcontinental railroad, often referred to as the “Iron Horse.” This massive undertaking connected the East and West coasts, reshaping the nation’s transportation landscape and fostering economic growth. More than a century later, we find ourselves in another era of...

How can SMBs create a culture of curiosity and experimentation?

How can SMBs create a culture of curiosity and experimentation?

Leadership Engagement: The leaders within the SMB must set an example. When executives and managers show a genuine interest in exploring new ideas and technologies, it encourages the entire organization to follow suit. Encouraging Open Communication: Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, questions, and concerns is essential. SMBs can establish channels...

How to do Tech with heart

How to do Tech with heart

How to do Tech with heart Sometimes it’s good to reflect on some of the good things you’ve done, the lives you’ve touched, and why we work in the technology space. I’m happy to share a recent podcast episode I was interviewed for, hosted by Zoe Griffiths, the CEO of Alchemy of Learning, to deep...