The siege of the Great Library of Alexandria – the world’s first Cyberattack?

The Great Library of Alexandria is often seen as a tragic loss in history. But what if we view its destruction as an early form of cyber warfare?

Looking back, the library was a hub of ancient knowledge, storing scrolls from various civilizations. Instead of chalking up its demise to accidents or conflicts, consider the possibility of a deliberate cyber assault.

In the technological context of ancient Alexandria, where these scrolls held the world’s knowledge, we explore the possibility of intentional cyber intervention. This involves considering how such an attack, within the technological limits of the time, could have parallels with modern cyber threats.

The argument suggests that the library’s fall aligns with the characteristics of a cyberattack. Historical accounts hint at intentional destruction, prompting questions about the true nature of the incident. Examining the technology available during that time and speculating on potential vulnerabilities adds depth to this hypothesis.

However, skepticism is inevitable. Critics may question the premise, offering alternative theories. However, delving into the uncertainties of historical interpretation is essential to fully understanding this historical enigma.

In summary, considering the Great Library of Alexandria as a victim of an early cyberattack prompts a reevaluation of historical narratives. By examining the events through the lens of cyber warfare, we open new perspectives on ancient conflicts and the preservation (or deliberate destruction) of knowledge in early civilizations. The library’s fate becomes not just a story of the past but a precursor to the digital challenges we face today.

You can hear me discuss this and more during my keynote speech (Cybersecurity in the Age of Digital Transformation) at tomorrow’s CIO Leaders Conference at the Address Hotel, Dubai Marina –

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